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Maze Hungry Bin Worm Farm Flow Green Composting System

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The hungry bin is a continuous flow worm farm composting system. When operated correctly, continuous flow systems are far more efficient than worm farms that use stacked trays. The unique shape of the bin creates a large surface area allowing all the worms living in the hungry bin to easily access the food scraps at the top – exploiting the fact they’re surface feeders, and increasing their processing capacity. The tapered sides also encourage the worms to stay on the surface, while compressing their castings below.

Once the compost process is complete, the hungry bin is designed to allow the simple and easy harvest of both finished castings and liquid fertiliser. Harvesting castings does not involve any heavy, messy lifting. The floor of the bin is easily removed, allowing approximately 4 litres of castings to break away at the bottom of the taper. This allows the easy removal of finished castings from the bin. Removing the castings is a relatively clean process. Finished castings are largely free of worms.

The lid is at a comfortable operating height, and convenient to open and close. Tight fitting, it prevents pests from entering but has sufficient venting to create healthy airflow. The hungry bin even has wheels, making moving the bin light work.

Dimensions: 60cm (W) x 65cm (D) x 95cm (H) 

Type: Composters

Vendor: Maze



  • Unique design
  • Simple to harvest castings
  • Highly productive
  • No heavy lifting
  • Small footprint


  • Dimensions assembled:  60cm (W) x 65cm (D) x 95cm (H)
  • Weight 14 kg


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